⚑The Great Seal Schism - Arctic Loyalists vs. Mutant Seals

After the first batch of galactic Kelp is used to breed new Seals they discover something truly unexpected. The Seals bred with galactic Kelp turn into mutant seals!

The Bishop is horrified at this discovery and decrees that mutant seals are an abomination.

The Bishop of Arctic and the aristocratic Seals - the Arctic Loyalists that make up the top 0.01% of Sui Seals strongly oppose the creation of these mutant seals. Obsessed with maintaining the purity of the Seals, they abolish breeding of Arctic Seals and Mutant Seals and begin heavily taxing Fish and Kelp grown outside of the Arctic.

Enraged, the Mutant Seals with the support of some Arctic Seals start the Free Seals Movement. This movement mobilises the seals that disapprove of the aristocrats' control over the production and consumption of Kelp. The top 0.01% have never experienced a lack of anything and have remained blissfully unaware of the impact of natural disasters on the Seals' way of life.

Blinded by rage the Free Seals movement declares that the only way to survive is by killing the opposing Arctic Seals to make them feel the same pain they feel and breaking free from the control of the Bishop.

This has led to the Great Seal Schism - a war between the Loyalists, led by the Bishop of Arctica, and the β€œFreeseals”, led by the corporatocratic Mutant community. One thing is for sure - numerous innocent Arctic Seals and Mutant Seals lives are going to be lost in this ideological civil war and factions within the Sui Seal community must pick a side.

Who will stands victorious when the dust settles on this brutal war? It's in your hands!

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