Origin of the Sui Seals

The Sui Seals traversed through out the vast Arctic and set up a highly developed civilisation. They were known for their high-tech architecture, enhanced intelligence and quirky nature. The Sui Seals grew rapidly and established their strong presence in the Arctic and life seemed ever abundant in the home town of the Seals.

The Seals' favourite food and source of energy is fish, which they consume in great quantities. With their ingenuity the Seals came up with various methods to grow the availability of fish and ensure no seal went hungry.

Central to the expansion of the Sui Seals and their way of life is Kelp. Kelp is the source of inspiration for Seals, it enhances the Seals' senses and intelligence. The Kelp is also essential for Seals to breed and to sustain the Seal Race. Growing Kelp is tricky and requires expensive technology and heavily controlled environments. More so, the farming of Kelp is controlled by the Bishop of Arctica whose divine powers guide the Seals. The Bishop ensures that Kelp is safeguarded and awards Seals some Kelp when they complete quests that help the Seal community.

However, all good things come to an end and this seems to be the case for the Arctic that the Seals call home. Rampant climate change and natural calamities are destroying the Arctic. The destruction of the Arctic also means that the supply of Kelp is in danger! The Bishop of Arctica has tightened her grip on Kelp to ensure the limited Kelp is not in danger. How do the Seals sustain their lives and race now? When backed into a corner the Seals decide to do what they do best - innovate.

The Seals get together and build space ships that allow them to explore the galaxy in hopes that they can find ways to grow Kelp and sustain life as they know it. Thus begins the inter-galactic adventure of the Seals.

Their adventure to navigate through various planets and find ways to farm Kelp proves helpful. The seals discover that they grow different kinds of Kelp in each planet providing unique powers to the Seals. The Seals remain optimistic, embrace this new challenge and enjoy exploring all the planets.

Unfortunately, the woes of the Seals does not end here.

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